Saudi Arabia raises oil prices for Asia, reduces for Europe, and maintains unchanged for sales to the US.

Saudi Arabia has announced changes in its oil prices for different regions, affecting buyers across Asia, Europe, and the United States. These adjustments come in light of the OPEC+ production cut agreement extension until the end of the first half of the year.

For Asian buyers, Saudi Arabia has increased the official selling prices of its crude, particularly its flagship Arab Light grade. This means that April deliveries will cost $1.70 per barrel more than the Oman/Dubai average, marking a $0.20 per barrel increase from the previous month.

Conversely, the kingdom has lowered its oil prices for European buyers, reducing prices by $0.60 to $0.70 per barrel. However, prices for sales to the United States have remained largely unchanged.

These price adjustments come amid speculation within the oil industry that Saudi Arabia might maintain prices at their March levels. Some experts attribute the price hike to factors such as market structure and product cracks, as well as uncertainties surrounding Red Sea shipping.

The decision to extend production cuts by OPEC+ over the weekend was influenced by benchmark prices remaining relatively stable, with expectations of weak demand growth and increased supply from non-OPEC producers. While some anticipate weaker production growth in the US, others do not rule out the possibility of an oil market deficit.

Despite these factors, most analysts predict that oil prices will remain relatively stagnant throughout the year due to slow economic growth, which typically leads to subdued demand for oil and gas.

In summary, Saudi Arabia's recent adjustments in oil prices reflect its efforts to navigate market dynamics and balance supply and demand amidst ongoing global economic uncertainties.

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