Uber has agreed to pay $178 million to resolve a lawsuit with taxi drivers in Australia.

Uber has reached a settlement of $178 million in a lawsuit with taxi and hire car drivers in Australia, following allegations that drivers lost earnings due to the ride-hailing app. The class action lawsuit, filed by Maurice Blackburn Lawyers on behalf of over 8,000 taxi and hire car owners and drivers in 2019, has been described as one of the most successful legal actions against Uber.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Principal Michael Donelly stated that Uber had vigorously contested the lawsuit over the past five years, resisting any form of compensation for the losses suffered by drivers. However, with the settlement, thousands of Australians have successfully held Uber accountable for its actions.

The settlement is deemed one of the top five class action settlements in Australian legal history, highlighting the significance of the outcome. Uber has acknowledged its contribution to state-level taxi compensation schemes since 2018 and views the settlement as a resolution to legacy issues.

Uber emphasized its evolution over the past decade, stating that ridesharing regulations were non-existent when the company began operations. However, today, Uber is regulated in every state and territory across Australia, reflecting its recognition as a vital component of the nation's transport landscape.

The company highlighted the positive impact of ridesharing on Australia's overall point-to-point transport industry, providing consumers with greater choice and improved experiences while creating new earnings opportunities for hundreds of thousands of workers.

Moving forward, Uber remains committed to ensuring safe, affordable, and reliable transportation services for millions of Australians who rely on the platform to travel from one place to another.

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