Survey Shows Pakistani Public in Favor of Restoring Connections with India.

A recent survey conducted by Gallup & Gilani Pakistan has revealed that nearly half of Pakistanis, around 49%, believe that air and land connections between Pakistan and India should be restored. This finding suggests a significant sentiment among the people, indicating a desire for improved relations between the two neighboring countries.

The survey, conducted among a nationally representative sample of adult men and women across Pakistan, found that 32% of respondents disagreed with the idea of restoring connections, while 19% either expressed uncertainty or did not respond to the question.

The survey, carried out by Gallup International’s Pakistani affiliate, involved 1,023 participants from urban and rural areas across all four provinces of the country. It was conducted from January 3 to 18, 2024, using telephonic surveys as the method of data collection.

The margin of error for the survey is estimated to be around 2% to 3% at the 95% confidence level.

The findings of the survey come at a time when thousands of families remain separated decades after the partition of British-ruled India in 1947, which led to mass sectarian migration and violence. The strained relations between Pakistan and India worsened in August 2019 when India revoked the semi-autonomous status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), leading to diplomatic tensions and trade halts between the two countries.

Despite these challenges, a treaty in February 2021 brought an end to frequent clashes along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir, offering a glimmer of hope for improved relations. Military veterans from both countries have also emphasized the importance of political engagement to address longstanding disputes, including the Kashmir issue, and have expressed skepticism about the possibility of a full-fledged war between the nuclear-armed neighbors.

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