Transferring PIA's liabilities and assets to the holding company marks the next phase in the privatization process.

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), is making significant strides toward privatization as they enter phase II of this journey. An 11-member board was recently formed to oversee a holding company charged with overseeing all assets related to PIA; marking an essential step on its privatization journey.

This step comes amidst rising tension within the government due to negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for another bailout program. As part of an agreement reached between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's administration and IMF officials regarding restructuring loss-making SOEs - with PIA playing an especially vital financial role - Prime Minister Sharif pledged before these discussions that any loss-making SOEs be dismantled as part of restructuring agreements aimed at saving face with international lending institutions like IMF funds.

However, privatizing Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has proven challenging and frustrating. Although attempts were made in the past to initiate this process - including setting up an entity dedicated to managing fixed assets - progress was blocked by various factors; even efforts made by caretaker governments failed due to constitutional restraints.

One of the major obstacles in privatizing PIA lies in securing No-Objection Certificates from approximately 35 lenders - something made more challenging by its financial difficulties and unknowable timeline. Given all that's involved and previous privatization experiences, successfully transitioning PIA within one year would be considered a remarkable achievement.

Current efforts focus on splitting Pakistan International Airlines into two separate entities and the transfer of liabilities and assets to its holding company, with Tariq Bajwa serving as Chairman - signaling his strategic leadership of this key step in their evolution.

As the privatization process moves forward, careful planning and coordination are vitally important to successfully navigate its intricate steps. While an expeditious conclusion would certainly be welcome, due to all of its inherent complications privatizing a national airline requires taking a comprehensive approach for successful results and a smooth transition.

Timing remains uncertain for completing the privatization of PIA; however, its timeliness underscores the government's dedication to meeting fiscal challenges and improving efficiency across aviation sector operations.

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